Thursday, July 12, 2012


anthony keideis need help been captured by the vanpire slayers.
-little nemo 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

jpg's warning on weakness

jpeg explains to me that I need to panhandle to harden my world. Just say I'm democrat and I'll understand how badly I'm doing in $ at this time, that I'm arguing about nothing. I didn't write on little nemo (christopher) in tribute to whoever this person is. I don't have time or enough medication to get off whatever depression is on my eye which I think democrat placed on me.

Sometimes this person helps me, sometimes this person doesn't.
I think this person has some point about society or the poor I don't know.

-Little Nemo

he said that he undid the moment he had me walk around the streets and I seizure and he challenges me in being republican and that he beat the republican guy.
I don't really know what to do about this I don't have enough medication to find out what's under his layers.

apart of occupy wall street
a caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 472/8 james hughes days 

Sunday, February 5, 2012

this actually is the artwork of the guy who I speak to with the michael bloomberg graphic I probably shouldn't place this here. 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

the seizure I call jesus christ rap star now represents my staring at the mirror/my love of myself/I did this and created art ceremonies with this there are no thoughts in this mode but I did this because I wanted the entirety of this project to be under your name. I'm supposed to get this out because it's not supposed to be in existence I'm not supposed to use this but I decided to do this, despite the real project.
Little Nemo would be known for you, not Harvey Weinstein. I'd reset the project rather than gain memories I couldn't move my body for years because Michael Bloomberg placed a thing in me called "long" that I can only hear/block with my medication at proper dose. Unable to move my body for far too long.

-Little Nemo
(jesus christ rap star) 

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

seizure at apple store with artic monkeys

now I am anakin skywalker I go to tisch now I see and feel the hands anytime I might upset the people on the other end or have any form of self I shall be punished with jesus christ rap star who has the logic of the reaction in this mode I fight people with energy as I seizure.  This is the mode that a finger frequently tickles me via a jpg and causes me to sweat and for my facial features to become dirty my skin cracks it undoes everything that is paris hilton and important and demands a world of loyalty to energy.

-little nemo
(jesus christ rap star)

apart of occupy wall street
a caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 457/8 james hughes days

*i like no one. I hate everyone. My reflection on the people on the other end is my reflection on the world.

today at west end park church (at occupy wall street. which won't exist soon. then I live in the #5 and with images)

today I seizure outside the church. The brown energy is sent to me it's harvey weinstein with pearl forester I'm taking the energy and I'm going to move the boxes sweeping the west end church to the trash and I'm going to interact with people with the hate in my heart there's a bloomberg guy it leads me to replacing caffeine pills that weren't stolen. Pearl forester is on harvey weinstein's side this thing says through my body and I tell it i'm going to stop being afraid of harvey weinstein's name i'm going to be a person again and restore the system of returning to reality and not fearing what is said to me on the other end. Then the seizure ends and I tell gunnar agerholm to fuck off and to stay dead because this is the creation and control of jesus christ rap star, this is the hard element of my mind this is the strength to get through the day and emotions of amnesia/demands/an image sent to me that causes me to sweat and seizure I then create a way with the images to move my body. Or the brown is referring to when I was a 13 year old who practiced chaos magic and I believed my biological father had brown energy.

-little nemo
(jesus christ rap star)

"it really doesn't make a fucking difference" - the general message of jesus christ rap star

apart of occupy wall street
a caitlin rodriguez production
little nemo on hbo
black caitlin heart
the school of visual arts church of silver tiles day 457/8 james hughes days 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

apart of occupy wall street a caitlin rodriguez production little nemo on hbo

I choose the simple pallet. Jesus Christ rap star.
images that get me through stealing and attempt to harm me by causing others to believe I'm having a seizure by the demons on the other end

church of silver tiles day 457/8 james hughes days